Sunday, May 16, 2010

Random Favorites

Seira takes on the world with a bang

Well, Seira makes her mark in this family again! How? Now she walks around and likes to say "No way!" Nope, can't push her around. She stands her ground as much as she can. Having 2 very smart and very opinionated older brother and sister can be quite a challenge...except if you're Seira. She has got both of them wrapped in her tiny little pinky. She yells to get her point across, even if its all babble. Holds your face in her tiny little hands to make sure you are watching or listening to her. And can play a mean game of soccer and baseball....for a 21 month old. Wanna play brain games? watch her do puzzles. I watched her go through our puzzles at home and put the pieces in the right places. Not just randomly, but pick up a puzzle piece, spin it in her hand while looking at the board or holes that the puzzle piece belongs to and then put it in the correct place. She pretends to read already. Flipping pages, pointing to pictures and talking/narrating. Definitely a papa's girl though - the minute he walks in the door he has to pick her up or she will follow him around whimpering. She knows her body parts in tagalog. She's making sure she can understand tagalog just like Q and Tara.

The Dinosaur boy and the "Dragons"

Q started playing Coach Pitch baseball this spring and his team's name is Dragons. He loves it. Eversince Aaron and his dad took Q and Tara to the Dodger game last summer he's been asking to play baseball. And this year he was finally old enough to play. He is one of the youngest players on the team but he sure can keep up with the 6 year olds. The first game he played - he hit every single pitch thrown at him. And he loves running the bases and being on the field - even if he is just rolling on the dirt or throwing it in the air. He is now reading and doing simple addition. We go through books at home like there's no tomorrow. He just loves to be read too. At night, he'll wash up fast just so I can read to him before bed. One of his favorites to read are dinosaur books. He makes me read this dinosaur book that has detailed information for various dinosaurs - carnivore? omnivore? mesozoic era? argentinosaurus? corythosaurus? He wants to be a paleontologist when he grows up. On the same hand, he loves his marvel superheroes. His favorite right now is the flash. He runs around the house and says "mama look how fast I can run" and just runs around the house really fast. He and Aaron are into the superhero squad right now. Q can assemble probably anything with Legos as long as you give him the instructions. At about 2 1/2 he can follow any assembly instruction - his train table, legos - as long as it has pictures since he couldn't read yet. He is smart and not shy at all. And when he is shy, he'll say "mama it's ok to be shy, right? Because I'm shy right now." He expresses himself very well and we are teaching him to explain himself properly for those times when we have to "interrogate" both him and Tara as to "what happened" and ask why are they fighting, AGAIN. Needless to say, our days with him are always exciting, tiring and gratifying. Having three kids is extremely tiring and challenging but I would not trade places with anyone. I am exactly where I am suppose to be - my Dejavu says so... Earlier today, I watched Q put Seira's shoes on as Aaron and I were packing up the van to go to his game. Aaron and I didn't ask him to do this but he loves his sisters and want to make sure no one is left behind, especially the littlest one. I just want to scream with joy and love...Thank you God for giving me my family. Oh and he learned to play, Jan Ken Pon last March. He made Aaron play it with him for a long time and he couldn't stop laughing. Now it helps to resolve simple problems at home.

Pretty & Smart girl ends season with Soccer Ninjas

Hey guys! Just a little update for everyone. I've been behind with my blogs. Just couldn't keep it up due to the kid's activities. Soccer season ended just this Saturday. The soccer ninja's game were taken up a notch with their new coach - Coach Mike! I asked Tara what is one of the new things she learned this season - and she said "TO HUSTLE!" She really did a lot of that this season. Playing a lot more aggressively - using their shoulders a lot. It was a very exciting season. Best of all, I watched her grow into a better person. The commitment to her team which are also her friends and her coach was there. Pushing herself to new limits. Getting homework done and still playing sports is extremely difficult - and remember she is only 9. She has managed to pull straight A's again. She just took home a progress report and there were straight A's....again! As the season was beginning - the emphasis was on her academics but of course we knew she loves playing soccer. As with most things - the deal was, keep your grades up and you can keep playing soccer. And we watched her persevere ( was one of her vocabulary words this year). Studying for tests, doing extra work, participating at school events - all this while trying to be the best person she can be. She is changing right before our very eyes. More thoughtful, more helpful (I asked this due to an increase amount of activity with her other siblings), more respectful, making the right choices (saying no to candy at school), and standing up for herself (for those days when her friends are not so nice). OH - and she learned to ride her bike with no training wheels. Overall we are very proud of her and could not ask for a better daughter.

La Familia...