Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It snowed here in Henderson!

We had a few inches of snow here a week before Christmas. The kids had so much fun enjoying the winter weather. Even Seira joined in the fun. This was taken in our backyard.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Baby's First Christmas

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Art Smart Test

Today I took an art smart test and I was very scared.But I took it and I got an "e"!I missed 12 and I got 26 right.I was two weeks late for taking the art smart test!And today I took it right after lunch.
Love your friend, Tara

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Feling Grovy By:Simon and Garfunkel

I learned tis song in school last week these are the lyrics:
Slow down you move to fast.You got to make the morning last.Just kicking down the cobble stones and feeling groovy!(ba da da da da da feing groovy!)Hello Lamppost, Watcha knowing I've come to watch your flowers growing.Ainch ya got no rymes for me doot-in-doot doo feeling groovy!(ba da da da da daFeeling Groovy!)I got no deeds to do no promises to keep.I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep.Let the morning time drop all its petals on me.Life I love you all is groovy!!!(Ba da da da da da da da...)Love, Tara

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008

A weekend to write...

I finally have a few minutes to write an update of everyone. Aaron, Tara and Q are in the backyard kicking the soccer ball around. We're just waiting when it's time to head to her game today. She is playing really well and is enjoying playing. She is already talking about playing with her teammates again next season. Q is done with his karate class. It was great watching him try to listen to the teacher and do what she says. It was a really great class that practiced coordination, yoga and discipline. We're hoping he can go again. Seira is getting more and more beautiful each day. She is smiling a lot and making talking noises. She stays up quite a bit in the day and wakes up every 1 and 5 am to eat. I think she might have hit the 11 pound mark already. Aaron is now on his last month's leave at work. I watched him enjoy and stress out these last few months. But overall, I think he liked staying home with us. I'm savoring every day and every minute of these times with the kids since they are growing up soooooo fast. I never thought that I would enjoy motherhood so much. I thank Tara for that!!!! Gotta go and join in the fun. I hope you guys enjoy this site and check back often to check out the latest pics.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Be kind to your parents

I learned this song at school and I think it's cool and I like it. These are the lyrics:

Be kind to your parents though they don't deserve it. Remember they are grownups a difficult stage of life. They are apt to be nervous and over excited confused from there daily storm and strife. Just keep in mind. (just keep in minThough it sounds odd I know.(I know)Most parents once were children long ago .(incredible!)So treat them with patience and sweet understanding in spite of the foolish things they do. someday you may wake up and find your a parent too.
Here's a piece of good advice. Think it over once or twice.
( repeat )

Love, Tara

Friday, September 26, 2008

A new addition to our family

Our newest family member arrived on August 19, 2008. She was the cutest little bundle of joy. Tara decided to name her Seira.

La Familia...